Some of these people you will know, and some you may not know at all. Along with the sorrow and grief, you can also feel overwhelmed by the outpouring of sympathy from friends and family. I appreciate your kind words., 21. The Janazah (burial prayer) and funeral should take place within 24 hours from the moment the person passed away. Thank them for their continued prayers. Some longer responses to condolences are as follows: Thank you for your kindness and sympathy. Your father was an amazing human being. Make it easier. When you believe in the afterlife, death is sometimes bittersweet. They are just another person feeling sorry for your loss and wanting you to know theyre thinking of you. Loss is hard. Allah will keep him/her in His mercy and light adobe his grave till the Qiyamah. There isnoexpiry date to give or receive condolences, and it can be encouraging to someone offering sympathy to know their sentiments are welcome at any time. When dealing with any loss, finding the right words to those wishing you their condolences can be challenging. Either method is probably acceptable. Like in English, religious people might say something like "May God have mercy on his soul", or "S/he is in a better place now," that kind of thing. You should not lose hope in Allah too. Regardless, you want them to know that their kind words and messages were received and appreciated. 5. If you have someone you care for that lost someone, simply dont expect a response back. Im sorry this is late but I hope you can understand. We all belong to Allah. Condolences after a loss of any kind are something very sensitive. I'm so sorry for your loss. You could also post an update that thanks everyone who has offered their condolences, meaning you dont have to respond to each one individually. Try these quick and short thank you messages for condolences: Those are just some very straightforward examples of what you could say. Its been a very difficult few days., 13. Finally, you may also be struggling to respond to someones Im sorry for your loss because you have nothing to say. Responding in this way doesnt imply that you are relieved that your loved one is gone. Some common grief reactions include: Sadness, depression, or numbness Anger or frustration Guilt or regret Anxiety or fear Difficulty sleeping or concentrating Loss of appetite or overeating. It's hard to find the right words to say that will help you express your sympathy during a friend or family member's time of need. My heartiest sympathy for you and your family. When in-person, it can be difficult to put words together when your head isntexactly clearyet you dont want to come off as rude either. They want to express their grief without making it seem like theyre grieving more than youa challenging balance in a trying time. Since we all grievedifferently, we all respond to support differently. There are many different ways to respond to a condolence message. Have faith in the divine almighty; He will look after the soul of [the person who is dead] and guide him/her to peace. We are very grateful, We appreciate you making the effort to be with us today. 16. May Allah grant him/her Jannatul-Firdaus and forgive his/her sins. Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor | Psychotherapist | Business Coach,True Azimuth, LLC| Author, Come As You Are: Meditation & Grief. Dont be hopeless. If someone wishes you condolences in person, you can simply say thank you. May Allah (SWT) grant him the highest peak of Jannah and forgive his sins. A kind woman like your mother deserves Jannatul Firdaus. Composing such a list isdifficultwhen you are just starting to figure out where grief fits in your life, but having it in hand will make the early days of your griefeasier. Needless to say, it is still difficult for people to know how to respond to condolences. May Allah forgive all the sins he committed and place him among all the lucky ones to follow the prophet in Jannah. While a simple thank you should suffice, its possible to expand upon it by sayingwhyyoure thanking the person expressing their condolences. When someone dies, those who are usually uncomfortable talking about love and relationships may suddenly be more open to emotional subjects. today so your family members dont have to make those difficult choices for you someday. Writing a condolence message is never an easy task. Where did your husband want to be buried? "It's hard to say goodbye to someone who had such a big impact on our lives.". But how to do so? The short thank you allows you to express gratitude yet not put yourself in a vulnerable position. I know its tough for you, but dont lose your faith in Allah. Write a heartfelt message during a friend or family member's time of need. You may be an immediate family member of the deceased but others who send you messages may be in mourning, too. Text messages have replaced phone calls and mailed communication. Related: What to Say to Someone Going to a Funeral? A card that has just the right picture and tender words to match. I suggest you respond with two parts: Most likely, when someone close to you expresses their condolences, they will add to their statement a question:Is there anything I can do?. If appropriate, dont overlook the value of physical touch. They would be delighted to do thelittlestthings, such as fetching a glass of water for you. It has been such a blessing to have you with us at such a difficult time. Deep condolence from the core of my heart. I appreciate your support.. We will return to Him whom we belong to. For that reason, some of your visitors may not only say, "I'm sorry for your loss," they may also follow this up with kind words or a memory of the person who died. Their hearts carry an irremediable pain and they need people to share their loss. LinkedIn. Praying for her peaceful afterlife. You dont really get what its like to lose someone close to you until you experience it yourself. Cake values integrity and transparency. However, sending your condolences signals to an individual or . Truth's posts no 446 and 447 were absolute religious gibberish that only a masochist would try to respond to. That is my favorite way to respond to condolences. Keep faith in him. You can send a response on the funeral website with anobituaryand information about the deceased. Here is a place where you can share your gratitude and appreciation for those who reached out to you. The most simple way to reply to condolences or someone saying "sorry for your loss" is with a few words of thanks. We cannot give you customized advice on your situation or needs, which would require the service Even though you might not feel up to speaking to others when the grief is fresh, it is okay to respond in your own time. Surely he will be placed in Jannah. If you feel overwhelmed by individual texts, emails, and calls, consider sending out a message to the entire team at once. You may face more people at the funeral services. So when someone gives you their condolences, you can say. May Allah forgive all her sins and light her grave, and makes it a part of Jannat-ul-Firdaus. I love you.. Sympathy Message Ideas is here to help you with finding the right words for those grieving. In my opinion, itisntright to demand any specific behavior or proper response from an individual grieving. I love you. , Instagram, or any other account you may have. May Allah enhance your recompense on this loss. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. May Allah grant her soul peace and divine blessings. Instead, the lamenter should speak a few words and recite any duaa (prayer) for the deceased. Again, only do so if appropriate, and keep the conversation brief. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajiun. The most simple way to reply to condolences or someone saying sorry for your loss is with a few words of thanks. No matter how long it had been, it brought me joy tore-livethe greatness of my Dad (and other people Id lost) when I saw their faces light up while sharing a memory of how he had impacted their lives. And if the recipient responds by writing, Im sorry for your loss? I am extremely sorry for your loss. May the Almighty Allah give you the fortitude to bear this great loss. I know your aunt/uncle was always there for you. But one thing is for sure:by feeling less alone in their grief, people can come out of it much faster. I pray to Allah Ta'ala to grant us all the fortitude to accept His will and the ability to prepare for the after life, that we be reunited with our loves ones in peace and security. Before you send one, best perhaps to put yourself in the shoes of the bereft and ask yourself, If I were grieving, what kind of condolence would give me the most comfort?, Licensed Clinical Social Worker | Certified Life Coach. It wishes benefit to the deceased and gently reminds the bereaved not to dwell in negativity. I can't imagine how much pain and sorrow you're feeling. You are in my . You can usevariouswords and methods to respond to them. Yours, ********** Dear _____, We were shocked to learn of your loss. Remember to do it the way that works best for you. Please accept our deep condolences on the loss of your loved one. Use the KISS principle Keep It Sensitive and Simple- by writing words of condolence, and say the following: Please accept our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your loved one. Ameen. The most straightforward response to condolences is to say thank you. In a time of such suffering how do you respond to sorry for your loss or other fairly benign condolence messages? Additionally, you may receive some condolences from your: The question lingers, how should you respond to condolences? If you can do it and it isnt too much hassle then it will certainly be appreciated, Not replying or responding is acceptable. This link will open in a new window. Let us share the pain together. Encourage the person to take the time they need to grieve and offer support and comfort as needed. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun. You may feel overwhelmed by all the messages and kind words you receive following the loss of your loved one. I even give people the freedom not to respond at all. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun. Let them know when you need time to yourself or feel overwhelmed by the situation. Condolence messages for the loss of a partner. It should also besincereenough toeasethe pain felt by the person receiving condolences. Generally, when someone has passed away and people say Im sorry for your loss, there are a few ways to respond: Most people will choose to send a quick thank you message. If someone sent a sympathy card paired with flowers, respond with one of these message ideas below. Pray for his/her eternal peace. Sometimes, a thank you doesnt seem enough, and weoverthinkhow to respond in a polite enough way. Thank you for comingorthank you for taking the time out of your day to come and show your supportare all great responses to condolences. "We may mourn your loss but we celebrate your life.". 6- Condolence Message on Death of a Child A child means the world to his parents and their life revolves around him. I pray to Allah to forgive the sins of your father and make the grave comfortable for him. The loss is not easy to bear. Hearing that from someone offering sympathy, empathy, and support means so much. If youre the one grieving, its natural to want to respond when someone offers you condolences. Jannatul Mauwa is truly the most beautiful paradise. We believe reflecting on our mortality can help us lead more meaningful lives. Depending on how close you are to the person who provided the compassion, you might feel comfortable going into details about how you feel. If the person who is offering condolences also knows the person who died, consider reciprocating with,I know this is hard for you too.They are also grieving, and returning condolences can offer comfort. But it will be easy for you to show your compassion towards the grieving person with these Islamic condolence messages for Muslims. Related: 10 Best Books on Understanding Death and Dying. Have you lost someone close to you? Loss can affect people in different ways, and so too can be the way in which one responds to a message of condolence. Keep your sister in your prayer always so that Allah removes all her sin and make the grave comfortable for her. Dont feel like you need to put a positive spin on everything you do. Simple condolence messages Sending heartfelt condolences. If so then make sure to mention and thank them for that specifically in your response, Its better to send a card or note of thanks even if its late. Remember that they are there to help you get through your pain. Everything should be on the table, from cleaning your toilet and mopping your floors to walking your dogs and taking your kids to school to financial help. Though little may be known about the deceased, the sympathy is based upon the relationship shared with the client. You might have Facebook friends that you have never met in person. Always try to remember him in tough times. Saying thank you for thinking of me shows that you acknowledge the other person has made an effort, hopefully making them feel good about reaching out. But to point that out to everyone will not serve you. A simple thank you is sufficient for most well wishes and words of sympathy. Of course, it's important that your words of sorrow be comforting, regardless of what words you use. Here are some ways to. Condolences are messages of love and support when someone has experienced a loss. are not protected by an attorney-client privilege and are instead governed by our Privacy Policy. Your friend may be reaching out not only to offer condolences but also to find out service details. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. As the almighty Allah has already said, every living being will experience the taste of death. Any information you provide to Cake, and all communications between you and Cake, If you are unsure what to say, here are five responses that can offer comfort and support: Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to respond to condolences. What I know is that Allah never does injustice to anyone. What if someone sends you a private message through your social media account? Your mother was such a kind spirit. Instagram. Now you can focus on leaving a legacy instead of a mess. I am also praying to the almighty to forgive all her sins and place a light on her grave. Together with the tree planting, a custom certificate will be . Former Director, Life-Death Transitions Institute | Author, Embracing Life After Loss. After thanking someone for offering condolences and discussing the emotional aspects of the loss, consider asking your friend for assistance if you need it. I hope he will give you the fortitude to bear this great loss of yours. Be patient, and Allah will make the path easy for you. Im not in a place to share right now. This allows you to be respectful yet hold fast to your boundaries. Depending on the time and where you are emotionally, you maynotwish to discuss the circumstances of your loss or further express your feelings. Here are some simple thank you notes you might need after the funeral: 1. Here's how to honor your unique loved one. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajiun. This can save time and energy when youre already feeling drained from grieving your loss. I am so sorry that you've lost your life partner, [Name]. Thank you all, We appreciate all the thoughts and prayers we have received. It is good to use with someone you aren't very close with. A slight touch on the arm or holding the other persons hand can really drive home your sincerity. My deepest condolence to you. [deceaseds name] would have wanted you here, I was so touched by all the help and support youve shown. I know you understand what Im going through., 22. If youarentup to the task of replying to condolence, its okay. We are not attorneys and are not providing you with legal After all, they are genuinely there to support you, which shouldnotgo unnoticed. This can make us uncomfortable, resulting in anawkwardresponse. So having to find the time and words to respond to condolences from well meaning people is often stressful and very difficult. Harold "Dean" Woolsey, age 69, was born on February 1, 1954. Some people will go old school and provide you with a card or a note to share their concerns. My prayer is always with you and your dear one whom you lost. Islamic Condolence Message: Islam is a religion of peace. Responses dont have to be too wordy or well thought out. This response lets the sender know you may not be up to face-to-face communication at the moment. May Allah (SWT) forgive your fathers sin and grant him a place in Jannah Tul Firdous. May Rahmanir Rahim grant you sabar in this tough time and grant you the strength to bear this great loss. You get a card in the mail, or you get the standard Im sorry for your loss. For many people, this is as far as they are prepared to go. In these situations, it is helpful to remind yourself of thereasoningbehind the person giving condolences because people are sometimes unsure what to say. Just pray for your dear one. We were touched by the outpouring of support, Your kindness during such a time of pain didnt go unnoticed. Ameen. They might have even searched . Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun. He or she may also want to attend the funeral services. This link will open in a new window. Our samples of messages will include a variety of scenarios that you might experience, including what to say to someone who reached out to you for professional reasons and was unaware that you had a death in the family. It is important for your reply to sound natural and not forced. You might want to use this opportunity to apologize to friends who you didnt support during their time of need. But if you would like to say something then try the examples below of how to reply in person and choose a few to learn so that youre prepared when meeting someone face to face. One of the most challenging aspects of communicating in a professional capacity is responding to condolences. In most instances, a simple thank you to kind words and messages would suffice. In the name of God. It is wrong to wail and complain with the thought of showing discontent with Allah. of an actual attorney. No one enjoys going to funeral services, so thank the people who do attend. They may be able to offer practical assistance or just provide a shoulder to cry on. We have compiled Islamic condolence messages and wording ideas for you to send your condolence. So how you respond to them neednt be any different to anybody else. Grief is a complex and individual process in which each person may experience different feelings and reactions. Here are some phrases you could consider practicing and using: It is not my intention to suggest having an entire list but to, perhaps, choose one or two that you feel areappropriatefor you.